
“He didn’t commit suicide, he was killed!” − Papa Dennis Ex−manager

Three years following the untimely demise of the once-vibrant gospel performer Papa Dennis, Joseph Msanii, known as Dr. Msanii, the singer’s former manager, alleges foul play in the circumstances surrounding the artist’s death.

The specifics of Papa Dennis’s passing remain shrouded in mystery. Initial police investigations suggested that the musician may have taken his own life by falling from a Pangani apartment block on February 7, 2020.

Dr. Msanii vehemently disputes the suicide narrative, asserting that Papa Dennis was not a victim of self-inflicted harm but rather a target of industry forces seeking his wealth. In the days leading up to his demise, Papa Dennis had secured lucrative deals, including one with the Ufanisi Foundation in Kibera for a Cancer Awareness campaign project and another with Kakamega County for a Cancer campaign. Dr. Msanii, having been intimately involved in these deals, questions why the artist would end his life when such promising opportunities were on the horizon.

While the exact details leading to Papa Dennis’s death remain elusive, Dr. Msanii contends that the gospel star fell prey to a meticulously planned conspiracy orchestrated by industry figures with financial motives.

Doubting the suicide theory, Dr. Msanii queries the absence of witnesses to corroborate the events surrounding Papa Dennis’s alleged jump from the 7th floor of the Pangani building. He questions the feasibility of such a scenario and emphasizes the lack of evidence supporting the claim.

Dr. Msanii underscores the artist’s financial struggles, attributing them to his departure from the Maliza Umaskini Record label in 2018, which marked a turning point in his previously opulent lifestyle.

The manager challenges the narrative of Papa Dennis accessing the 7th-floor balcony and throwing himself off, highlighting the absence of witnesses and the seemingly inexplicable logistics of such an act. He further questions the closed rooftop gate, pointing out that even if the artist had chosen an alternative route to his demise, the evidence contradicts the official version of events.

Dr. Msanii reveals Papa Dennis’s intentions to use the proceeds from the secured deals to revitalize his life, emphasizing the artist’s determination to overcome his financial difficulties.

In a startling revelation, Dr. Msanii disputes the cause of Papa Dennis’s injuries, suggesting that a postmortem indicated signs of assault rather than a fall. He details specific injuries, including a blood clot on one side of the head, a fracture on the left ribs, and a broken leg. According to Dr. Msanii, these injuries imply an attack with a blunt object, raising suspicions about the true nature of Papa Dennis’s demise. Notably, the absence of the artist’s phone, a potential piece of evidence, further fuels concerns that assailants deliberately removed it to erase traces of their involvement.