
“It Will Cost You 997 Million To Break Akothee Daughter Rue Baby’s Virginity” Akothee demands

Akothee’s second daughter, Agrrey Dion Okello, commonly known as Rue Baby, has made headlines with a unique declaration regarding her virginity. Akothee revealed that Rue Baby’s virginity is not something one can acquire easily—it comes with a hefty price tag of Ksh 997 million.

In an interview with an inquisitive Hivipunde TV reporter, Akothee defended her stance, asserting that setting a price for a daughter’s dignity is a common practice among parents worldwide. According to the singer, this financial prerequisite is a demonstration of the value she places on her daughter’s purity.

Rue Baby’s virginity had previously been valued at Ksh 990 million in 2022, and interested individuals were encouraged to express their interest by reaching out via email at ruebaby2020@gmail.com.

In recent years, Esther Akoth, also known as Akothee, a prominent Kenyan musician and female entrepreneur, penned a heartfelt letter addressed to her three daughters. This open letter, shared on Madam Boss’ social media platforms, expressed Akothee’s admiration for her daughters and acknowledged them as the women she brought into the world.

Within the letter, Akothee outlined her aspirations for her daughters, emphasizing her desire to witness them thrive and succeed in various aspects of life. The entertainer’s sentiments showcased her unwavering support and maternal affection for her three daughters.