Kenneth Gichoya, renowned as Njoroge from the popular TV show Papa Shirandula, stands out as one of the legendary actors who have excelled as astute investors. Njoroge’s journey from a humble sweets hawker to a celebrated actor and ultimately a millionaire with substantial real estate holdings showcases his remarkable success.
Njoroge’s upbringing was marked by various locations in Nairobi, and his educational journey led him to Baricho Boys, where his acting prowess earned him recognition at the provincial level and multiple awards during his high school years.
Despite his success in acting, Njoroge, a devoted family man with a beautiful wife and three children, opted to diversify his income streams. Following secondary education, he immersed himself in the world of theatre, where, despite a modest salary of Ksh. 300 per day, his passion for acting persevered.
In a strategic move, Njoroge ventured into the business of selling sweets, proving to be a lucrative decision as he started earning Ksh. 2000 daily. With financial prudence, he saved the proceeds and eventually purchased his own matatu, becoming its conductor.
The turning point in Njoroge’s career came when he joined the cast of Papa Shirandula, a milestone influenced by Charles Bukeko, the late Papa Shirandula himself. This association catapulted Njoroge into stardom, establishing him as a significant figure in the acting industry and forming a close friendship with Bukeko.
Njoroge’s journey from actor to millionaire is attributed to his wise investment decisions and disciplined savings habit cultivated since childhood. Earnings from Papa Shirandula were judiciously invested in acquiring several parcels of land, particularly in Mutalia along Kangundo Road, 42 kilometers from Nairobi. Additionally, he ventured into the real estate sector by acquiring rental properties.
Not limited to real estate, Njoroge also built an impressive residence in Kitengela, Kajiado County, where he engages in farming. His multifaceted approach to investment showcases Njoroge’s strategic thinking and financial acumen, underscoring his transition from a sweets hawker to a successful millionaire with diverse business ventures.