
“Huyu Hananga Stingo Za Mechi, Anapenda Kifo Cha Mende Tu”, Bahati Exposes Diana.

It appears that Bahati and Diana Marua have chosen to forego privacy in their relationship, willingly sharing their entire online persona on social media. Their love life, including intimate details, is consistently laid bare for the public to witness.

During a family vacation in Naivasha, Bahati and Diana decided to indulge in some alcohol shots, seeking relaxation after a demanding first five months of 2023. In a state of inebriation, Diana, true to her routine, recorded videos capturing the moment. Bahati’s intoxicated state was evident in his slurred speech as he openly discussed their intimate issues.

Bahati went on to share candid insights into their bedroom dynamics, asserting that Diana Marua excels in one specific intimate style known as “Kifo Cha Mende” (Dead Cockroach). Contrary to popular belief, he claimed she lacks expertise in other intimate styles. According to Bahati, Diana often boasts about their inebriated encounters on social media, promising intense and sensual experiences. However, he revealed that she is usually too intoxicated to walk, requiring him to carry her to bed.

The couple’s bedroom secrets have become public knowledge, courtesy of Diana Marua’s unwavering commitment to documenting and sharing every aspect of their lives on social media.