In August of 2015, a life-altering event unfolded in the life of an 11-year-old boy named Michael Otieno. On that day, he bid farewell to his family as they embarked on a journey to Narok, completely unaware that it would be the last time he would see them.
Little did Michael realize that his world was on the precipice of an unimaginable tragedy.
Unfortunately, Michael fell gravely ill and, as a result, was unable to accompany his family on their ill-fated expedition. His inability to join them marked the beginning of a series of events that would forever change the course of his life.
“I couldn’t go with them due to my illness. We continued to communicate over the phone, and the last words my mother spoke to me before I went to sleep were words of encouragement, assuring me that I would recover and that she loved me,” recounted Michael. He had been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, a genetic disorder that distorts the shape of red blood cells, affecting their capacity to transport oxygen effectively throughout the body.
However, as days passed, a call from his aunt brought disturbing news – his family had failed to reach Narok as planned. Initially, there was a belief that it might be a misunderstanding, but Michael soon discovered that he was the sole member of his family left behind. He clung to the hope that they were en route to his aunt’s residence, but his attempts to reach them proved futile.
His aunt embarked on a frantic search for the family, ultimately leading her to the last place anyone would want to find their beloved ones—the morgue. It was there that the heartbreaking truth was revealed – his entire family had tragically perished.
The news left Michael’s world shattered, and he was forced to confront the harsh reality of becoming an orphan while simultaneously grappling with the challenges of sickle cell anemia.
Despite the profound loss of his entire family, Michael demonstrated remarkable resilience.
When the idea of placing him in a children’s home was considered by his extended family, he vehemently refused. Instead, he insisted on residing wherever their household possessions were stored, a testament to his unwavering spirit.
His journey was laden with adversity as he shifted from one family member to another, often encountering mistreatment and rejection. At one point, his situation grew so dire that he resided with his grandmother, who, lacking the means to afford a motorbike, transported him to the hospital in a humble wheelbarrow.
As time passed, his condition deteriorated, eventually leading to an extensive two-year hospitalization at Kenyatta National Hospital. Throughout this arduous period, he relied on the kindness and generosity of well-wishers for support.
It was during this period of despair that a Catholic priest emerged as a guardian angel, providing Michael with the care and support he so desperately needed. The priest assumed the role of a surrogate parent, offering love and sustenance during this trying chapter of Michael’s life.
Michael’s fortunes took a significant turn when he was interviewed by Nimrod Taabu, marking a pivotal moment in his life. The interview garnered substantial attention, resulting in the alleviation of his mounting hospital bills.
Even more significantly, this exposure led to the discovery of a new family for Michael – one that welcomed him with open arms, filled with love and care. Although he had lost his biological family, he had discovered a supportive and affectionate new one. Michael, once an 11-year-old boy abandoned by his family, had found a renewed sense of hope, love, and the promise of a brighter future.