
Andrew Kibe: I Will Hire Diana and Bahati Wakuwe Wananioshea Mercedes Car Yangu

Andrew Kibe, a Kenyan celebrity and content creator residing in the USA, has once again expressed his disapproval of the relationship between Bahati and Diana Marua. This controversial stance is a recurring theme in Kibe’s podcast, where he often cites the couple as examples to make his points…CONTINUE READING

In his critiques, Kibe consistently employs disrespectful labels for Bahati and Diana, not bothering to offer any apologies for his choice of words. Specifically, Kibe refers to Bahati as “Kabahanye” and Diana Marua as “Shosh,” implying that she plays the role of an older, controlling figure in their relationship due to the age difference between them.

During a discussion about Hakimi, Kibe incorporated Bahati and Diana into the conversation, using them as an illustration. He remarked that if he were receiving a substantial salary akin to that of the PSG star, he might become more arrogant and assertive. In a somewhat provocative statement, Kibe suggested that he could hire Bahati and Diana through their agency to wash his car, offering them a considerable fee of up to Ksh. 240,000 per session to emphasize his perceived wealth.

Kibe went on to assert that the couple should be grateful he doesn’t earn a substantial weekly salary like Hakimi. However, he hinted that if his financial situation were to change in the future, he wouldn’t hesitate to enlist Bahati and Diana for car-washing duties. Furthermore, Kibe suggested that, under such circumstances, he would become even more impervious to criticism from fellow Kenyans, as he would likely adopt a more disrespectful demeanor compared to his current stance.