UHURU in Panic as Kiambu's GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA, joins RUTO’s ‘hustler nation’ (PHOTOS)

UHURU in Panic as Kiambu’s GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA, joins RUTO’s ‘hustler nation’ (PHOTOS)

President Uhuru Kenyatta has been dealt a major blow after Kiambu County Woman Representative, Gathoni Wamuchomba, joined the ‘hustler nation’

The Hustler nation movement is a political formation enlined with Deputy President William Ruto.

On Wednesday, Gathoni, who was the ‘choir mistress of Team Kieleweke, visited Ruto at his Karen home and pledged allegiance to the ‘hustler ideology’.

Ruto welcomed her to the movement and posed for photographs that have since been uploaded online by different leaders in the country.

The former Kameme FM journalist has been a firm adherent of the Son of Jomo and has even in the past been abusing the DP.

However, on Wednesday she promised to support the ‘hustler nation’expressing that she feels at home.

She additionally said she chose after realizing that the vast majority of the Mt Kenya electorate are supporting the movement and set out to join the winning team.

Wamuchomba was accompanied by Kikuyu MP, Kimani Ichungwah and some MCAs from the larger Kiambu county

UHURU in Panic as Kiambu's GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA, joins RUTO’s ‘hustler nation’ (PHOTOS)
UHURU in Panic as Kiambu's GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA, joins RUTO’s ‘hustler nation’ (PHOTOS)