
Man impregnates His ‘Mother-in-law’ who came to help his wife take care of Newborn baby

In Webuye, western Kenya, a 32-year-old man shocked his town by getting his mother-in-law pregnant. According to his wife, Kelvin Waliuba did not deny having a sexual relationship with her mother, who is 43 years old.

The wife of Waliuba, Ms. Nekesa, reportedly placed the burden on herself for asking her mother to help her watch their newborn.

“I am full time employee and I don’t have enough money to hire a househelp. I therefore invited my mother to come over and help as I make plans to get a househelp,” Nakesa .

According to reports, Mr. Waliuba, who is claimed to be a gardener at a nearby school, has been sneaking back inside the home and having extramarital affairs with the mother, 43 when the wife goes to the market for groceries.

She is cited as saying, “According to the mother-in-law, she has been single and as a result didn’t see any problem with what she did.”

“I am not married, and I was going through a really tough dry spell. I found it difficult to turn down Kelvin’s advances,” she is also quoted .

Luhya elders are currently organizing a cleaning ceremony for the family because this is thought to be a major taboo.