
Susan Shows Single Room In Ndumberi Where KRG Impregnated Her And Made Yvonne

The ongoing saga between KRG the Don and his ex-partner Susan Kinyanjui continues, with Susan recently taking YouTuber Nicholas Kioko to Ndumberi. Susan wanted to show Nicholas the single room where KRG used to reside.

According to Yvonne’s mother, KRG impregnated her while he was still living in that small room in Ndumberi. Susan claims that she became pregnant in 2002 and gave birth to Yvonne in 2003. She further states that in 2004, she confronted KRG, urging him to take responsibility for their child, after which he moved out of the location. Susan is uncertain about his current whereabouts.

Despite the drama, KRG remains evasive about undergoing a DNA test to determine his biological connection to Yvonne. While he insists that he is not her father, he continues to hesitate when it comes to taking the paternity test, leading to a game of cat and mouse between him and Susan.