
Eric Omondi Becomes A Beggar In London, Raises Over Kshs300k

Last week, Eric Omondi traveled to the United Kingdom for a brief visit. This trip came after Moses Kuria criticized him for opposing the government, despite having sponsored Eric’s trip to the United States seven years ago to broaden his horizons.

Moses Kuria expressed regret over his previous support for Eric Omondi’s international travel, suggesting that he should have used the money for personal enjoyment instead. In response to these remarks, Eric Omondi decided to leave the country and head to the UK, aiming to demonstrate to Moses Kuria that he is now capable of funding his own international trips. Despite this, Eric remained grateful for Kuria’s past sponsorship while emphasizing that the government should refrain from imposing high taxes on content creators.

“Upon hearing Moses Kuria’s comments, I made the decision to have lunch in London and express gratitude for the journey we have taken so far. Thank you, Mr. Kuria, for sponsoring my tour seven years ago. However, I kindly request that content creators not be burdened with a 15% tax, as it hinders their ability to independently pursue international opportunities. You understand the struggles faced by the youth and artists, so please urge Orezo to give them time to grow,” expressed Eric Omondi.

During his time in London, Eric Omondi saw an opportunity to seek financial assistance from Europeans. He was photographed sitting on the streets, extending his hands to passersby while holding a sign that read, “Please help. Things are very bad.”

Eric stated that the funds collected would be used to purchase maize flour for struggling Kenyans and provide laptops for aspiring content creators.

“While in the UK, I took the opportunity to raise money on the streets of London to support fellow Kenyans who are facing difficult times. I managed to raise Ksh 340,000, which will be used to provide food for those in need and offer laptops to upcoming content creators,” he explained.

However, Eric encountered some challenges while begging, including an incident where he was openly harassed by a racist individual. Fortunately, a few police officers intervened and came to his aid.

“Unfortunately, I also experienced racism from one of the Europeans. Nevertheless, a few police officers came to my rescue,” Eric shared on Instagram.