
What You Should Know About The Super Gonorrhea That Has Stricken Nairobi

The discovery of the drug-resistant gonorrhea, according to the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri), was made from a sample collected from one of 24 sick sex workers in the city last year. It appears that the majority of the afflicted ladies were not even exhibiting the disease’s symptoms.

What You Need to Know About Super Gonorrhea

A bacterial infection called gonorrhea is transmitted through intercourse. It is a STI that can affect both men and women and is quite common. Health authorities are worried about a new form of the bacteria called super gonorrhea since it is resistant to antibiotics.

Super Gonorrhea: What Is It?

A variant of Neisseria gonorrhoeae known as “super gonorrhea” has evolved resistance to the antibiotics frequently used to treat the infection. Antibiotic resistance gene (ARG), an enzyme that this particular strain of bacteria possesses, has the ability to destroy antibiotics, making treatment more challenging. It has been classified as a “priority pathogen” by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a result of the rising antibiotic resistance.

Supergonorrhea signs and symptoms

Super gonorrhea can cause lower abdominal pain, discharge from the genitalia, and a burning sensation while urinating. Sometimes there may be absolutely no symptoms. Super gonorrhea, however, can cause major side effects such pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, and even sepsis if left untreated. As soon as symptoms occur, it’s crucial to get medical attention, and you should also let your partners know you need to be tested and treated.

Treatment and Prevention

The use of condoms and routine testing is the greatest strategy to stop the spread of super gonorrhea. Even if you are symptom-free, it is crucial to get tested for STIs on a regular basis in order to diagnose the infection quickly, treat it, and stop the spread of resistant strains. It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s treatment recommendations if your test results for super gonorrhea are positive. A combination of antibiotics may be used in this, which may be more successful in treating resistant bacteria.