In the unfortunate incident that occurred on Saturday, September 9, 2023, 77-year-old James Maingi passed away while in a Machakos lodging engaged in a romantic encounter with 32-year-old Gladys Maina.
James Maingi’s lifeless body was discovered by the local authorities at a lodging establishment in Masii market, located in Machakos County. It was reported that the septuagenarian had checked into this lodging with Gladys Maina, likely seeking an enjoyable time together.
Regrettably, tragedy struck as James Maingi succumbed while in the company of the younger woman. His lifeless, unclothed body was found on the hotel bed in Masii market, just past 7 pm on that fateful evening.
The local police from Mwala took custody of the deceased’s body and subsequently transported it to the Machakos Funeral Home. The intention behind this move is to conduct a post-mortem examination to ascertain the precise cause of Mr. Maingi’s passing.
As part of the ongoing investigation, Gladys Maina was taken into custody for further questioning by law enforcement.
While a police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, provided a statement to the media, it was suggested that there is currently no reason to suspect foul play in James Maingi’s death. According to this officer, the authorities are leaning toward the possibility that the elderly man may have suffered a fatal heart attack, potentially related to his use of Viagra pills.
The police officer further revealed that a search of Mr. Maingi’s belongings yielded the discovery of 25 tablets of Viagra, a medication known for its role in enhancing male performance. Additionally, four empty sachets that had once contained these tablets were also found among his possessions, suggesting he had likely ingested them.
In summary, the unfortunate passing of James Maingi occurred during a romantic encounter with Gladys Maina in a Machakos lodging. The police are conducting an investigation to determine the precise cause of his death, with a preliminary theory pointing towards a heart attack potentially triggered by the use of Viagra. Further details will be revealed following the post-mortem examination and ongoing inquiries.