
Stephen Mukangai Life Journey From A Toilet Cleaner in Kibera Slums to Top Sports Journalist

Stephen Mukangai, a renowned sports commentator and journalist in Kenya, has built an impressive career with Standard Media Group, but his journey to success was not without challenges.

Born in the village of Namshiya in Malava, Kakamega County, Stephen Mukangai Mukangai began his educational journey at Namsiya Primary School before progressing to the prestigious Ingotse High School in Kakamega County. After completing high school, he pursued journalism as his major at Multimedia University of Kenya.

However, Mukangai faced numerous hardships upon settling in Nairobi after graduating from high school in 2008. Describing his early days in the city as “hell,” he found himself in a situation where he had to take up odd jobs for financial survival. As a resident of the Kibera slums, he even resorted to cleaning toilets to cover basic expenses such as housing and food.

Despite the challenging circumstances, Mukangai persevered and eventually transitioned to a career in construction, working as Mjengo for about six months. The inconsistent nature of this labor often left him going to bed hungry.

Undeterred by the hardships, Stephen Mukangai continued to work hard. When he finally had enough funds to make his way to Mlango Kubwa, he took a chance by visiting the offices of Standard Media Company, hoping to meet Presenter Hassan Mwana wa Ali.

While his initial efforts were unsuccessful, Mukangai’s determination paid off when Hassan Mwana wa Ali called and expressed a desire to meet with him again. The second meeting went smoothly, and thanks to Hassan Mwana wa Ali’s impact on his life, Mukangai was offered the opportunity to co-host.

Upon securing this well-paying position, Mukangai made his public debut by discussing a game between Ulinzi Stars and Red Berets in 2010. Since then, his skills and understanding in radio have flourished, making him a prominent sports writer for Standard Media. This increased visibility led to a rise in his compensation, with rumors suggesting he earns between Ksh.300,000 and Ksh.400,000 monthly, supporting his extravagant lifestyle.

Stephen Mukangai’s story is a testament to his resilience and determination to overcome challenges on his path to success in the world of sports commentary and journalism.