
“Matako zote zilipotelea kwa forehead yako ama unatwerk na kichwa,” Amber Ray tells King Kalala

In a recent altercation, Kenyan model Amber Ray found herself embroiled in a heated exchange with content creator and radio presenter King Kalala on social media. The disagreement initially ignited when King Kalala made comments regarding the fashion choices of Kenyan celebrities. Amber Ray, in response, delivered a sharp retort, asserting that she could not be compared to King Kalala and advising her to “stay in her lane.”

The spat between Amber Ray and King Kalala escalated on social media, with both individuals exchanging verbal jabs about their respective careers and lifestyles. This incident has ignited discussions about the role of social media in amplifying personal conflicts within the entertainment industry.

As followers eagerly await further developments, it remains uncertain whether the two parties will manage to resolve their differences or if the feud will persist. This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the significant influence wielded by social media in today’s interconnected world.

In the realm of entertainment, where image and reputation carry considerable weight, public figures must exercise caution in their words and actions, particularly on public platforms. As the dust settles on this dramatic clash, both Amber Ray and King Kalala may realize that the paths of reconciliation and professionalism offer the most constructive way forward. The ultimate outcome of this feud remains uncertain, but it has unquestionably captured the attention of a widespread audience.