
Zuchu Discloses She Destroyed Diamond Platnumz’s House After His Kiss With Fantana

Tanzanian songstress Zuhura Othman, better known as Zuchu, recently opened up about her feelings regarding a particular incident involving Diamond Platnumz and Ghanaian singer Fantana on the reality show “Young, Famous, and African” season two.

During an interview, Zuchu expressed her strong displeasure upon witnessing Diamond Platnumz and Fantana sharing a kiss on the show. The sight of it left her feeling furious, prompting her to storm over to Diamond’s residence in anger. In the heat of the moment, she admittedly vented her frustration by destroying some of his household items and furniture. However, Zuchu clarified that despite their close friendship, Diamond Platnumz is not her boyfriend.

Regarding the aftermath of the incident, Zuchu refuted claims that she had to bear the cost of the damages she caused. She proudly stated that her boss, Diamond, would not resort to such measures, and she did not have to pay for anything.

Fantana’s inclusion in the headlines came after her intimate moment with Diamond on the show, where they kissed and proceeded upstairs together. The details of what happened afterward were left to the imagination.

Interestingly, on the show, Diamond refused to acknowledge any romantic involvement with Zuchu. Fantana claimed that Diamond had assured her he was single and she found him attractive, leading her to believe he was available.

Diamond even went as far as praising Fantana as the best kisser he had ever encountered, adding more complexity to the situation.

Having watched the show herself, Zuchu shared that she was deeply disappointed and disheartened by the events that unfolded between Diamond and Fantana. The situation left her feeling unsettled and concerned about the dynamics of her relationship with Diamond Platnumz.