
KRG The Don I Was Stopped From Fighting Andrew Kibe kwa Airport

In a surprising turn of events, the notorious rapper KRG the Don found himself thwarted in his attempt to carry out a threat of physical harm against US-based content creator Andrew Kibe at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on Friday, December 1, 2023.

Kibe, who had been residing in the US for the past two years, received a warm welcome from eager fans and media personnel upon his arrival at JKIA. However, the positive atmosphere was quickly overshadowed by KRG’s entrance, where he had publicly declared his intention to physically confront Kibe.

Videos circulating on social media capture the moment KRG’s stylish car pulled up to the airport, only to be intercepted by a group of individuals, reportedly elders, who stepped in to prevent the impending confrontation.

Following his restraint, KRG, in a press statement, maintained his combative stance, asserting that only the intervention of the mediators had prevented him from carrying out his threat.

“If it were not for them (the mediators), I would have unquestionably assaulted him (Kibe),” declared KRG.

The incident has ignited a fervent debate on social media, with some users endorsing KRG’s actions while others vehemently denounce his violent intentions.

Kibe, known for his contentious and often provocative remarks, has garnered both supporters and critics throughout his tenure as a content creator.

This recent clash between KRG and Kibe underscores the ongoing tensions within the online community and underscores the potential repercussions of unchecked online behavior.