
Justina Syokau: I Want a Man Who is a Millionaire and Who Can Twa Twa 4 Times Daily

Justina Syokau remains steadfast in her quest to find a life partner who meets her specific criteria. The accomplished Kamba benga and gospel musician, who has been unattached for the past nine years, continues her search for the ideal man possessing the qualities she desires.

In a recent interview with Mwende and Clemo on Radio Maisha, Syokau shared the challenges she has encountered in finding a suitable companion. She expressed her preference for a wealthy man with a well-toned physique, capable of satisfying her intimately, aiming for four rounds of passion daily.

Having committed to celibacy since parting ways with her child’s father almost a decade ago, Justina emphasized the importance of perfection in the bedroom for her chosen partner. She highlighted the difficulty she has faced in encountering men who align with her criteria, as she has only been approached by individuals with larger bellies, which she finds unappealing. According to her, men with prominent bellies do not meet her expectations in terms of performance in the bedroom.

To enhance her physical appeal and attract men who align with her desires, Justina disclosed her intention to undergo liposuction. This procedure aims to eliminate excess fat from her abdomen while enhancing her buttocks. Her goal is to achieve a more desirable physique that would captivate energetic men with substantial financial means.