
Chosen Boy: Started Juice Parlor With Sh. 2k, Now Earning Sh. 70k Monthly

Juice Boy, whose real name is Kelvin Kamau Njoroge, is the proud owner of Chosen Boy Juice Parlor, a thriving business located in Roysambu, Nairobi. At only 23 years old, Kelvin has achieved tremendous success as an entrepreneur, proving that hard work and dedication are key ingredients to success.

Kelvin’s entrepreneurial journey started in October 2022 when he identified a market gap for smoothies in his neighborhood. He noticed that many people loved smoothies during hot seasons but couldn’t afford the necessary equipment and fresh fruits. Kelvin saw an opportunity to exploit this gap and started selling fresh fruit smoothies in his neighborhood, using a bucket to carry the fruits around.

With a growing customer base and some savings from his hustle, Kelvin decided to open up a Juice Parlor, investing Sh. 2000 into his business. Today, Chosen Boy Juice Parlor earns him a minimum of Sh. 50,000 per month, with highs of Sh. 70,000 during peak seasons.

Kelvin is grateful for the support of his loyal clients, who have made his dream a reality. His business caters to ladies and children who love to relax and cool their minds with cool smoothies. Furthermore, Kelvin is proud that his business has created employment opportunities, acknowledging the high levels of youth unemployment in Kenya.

However, running a fruit business has not been without its challenges. Kelvin has learned that the business is highly dependent on weather patterns and fresh fruits, which can be difficult to source at times. Despite these challenges, Kelvin remains optimistic and determined to overcome them.

Looking to the future, Kelvin plans to expand his business and grow his client base. He also hopes to open new branches