
Mulamwah Quits Milele FM After ONE Year and 3 Months of Service

Kenyan comedian and content creator, widely recognized as Mulamwah, has recently departed from his position at Milele FM, concluding his tenure of one year and three months with the radio station.

Mulamwah took to social media to share this significant decision with his dedicated fan base. He cited that an impasse was reached concerning certain aspects of his contract terms and the scope of his responsibilities, prompting him to make the choice to resign.

In expressing his gratitude, Mulamwah conveyed his heartfelt appreciation to Media Max for the invaluable opportunity extended to him. He also acknowledged the unwavering support from his colleagues at the radio station, highlighting the camaraderie that marked his time there.

To his ardent supporters, Mulamwah extended a warm thank you for their continuous backing, assuring them of more engaging and entertaining content to look forward to across various other platforms.

The commencement of Mulamwah’s radio venture was marked on Monday, May 16, 2022. During his tenure, he co-hosted a show alongside Meshack Jillani, airing from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Reflecting on his achievement, he previously regarded the radio opportunity as the realization of a long-held aspiration. In a message to his fans at the outset, he encouraged them to persevere in their pursuits and embrace resilience in the face of challenges.

Mulamwah expressed his sentiments joyfully, stating, “The magnificence of God’s blessings has been realized as I finally take to the airwaves at Milele FM. The dream of gracing the radio waves has been harbored for so long, and I am profoundly thankful to my devoted konki fans who have consistently championed my journey and offered unwavering support from its inception. To all those forging their paths, remember to stay true to yourselves. The opinions and judgments of others regarding your artistic endeavors hold no dominion – center your focus, deliver your utmost, and entrust the rest to the divine orchestrations of fate.”