Kenya is a country that has multiple talents in different fields.
The entertainment scene in Kenya has seen so much creativity but there is one that took Kenyans with a storm.
Yes, it took Kenyans with a surprise. This is the ability to translate a script as it plays and make it flow.
With the introduction of this new wave, movies were translated and Kenyans got entertained.
It all started back in the Kibera number Nane with Dj Kimosio. The man who used to do live translation and record them for sale. It grew but since there was no digital market back in 1990’s DJ Kimosio didn’t get of the ghettos.
It was till Dj Afro came out and made it to the lime light with his work circulating in all social media channels.
This also made other young talent join the game, with the likes of DJ Smith, whose style is a little bit different coming up.
Smith voice is also different from Dj Afro. He is distinguished by the music he plays in his movies at the beginning and at the end of every movie.
Dj Migo came in too but to him one can easily say that it is Dj Afro, their style seems the same and voice matches each other.
The young talented Migo made Dj afro have hard time explaining to his followers the difference between him and Migo until he took up a different approach.
Then emerged the highly talented Dj Sky. The young man came with a different style of doing the movies and added some flavor on his work.
These team has ensured that Kenyans get entertained each and every day.
Television stations have also made an effort my supporting their effort too, with different channels having or showing a movie on daily basis.
Below is a photo of the four Swahili DJs courtesy of Opera.