
“Alikuwa Mtoto na anapenda Bible,” Marua opens up on why she didn’t want to be married by Bahati

Diana Marua recently revealed the initial reservations she had about marrying Kenyan singer Bahati. The popular social media influencer and occasional rapper shared her thoughts on why she hesitated to tie the knot with Bahati in the early stages of their relationship.

During a recent interview on her YouTube channel, Diana Marua, a mother of three, disclosed that one of the key factors influencing her decision was the age difference between her and Bahati. She expressed a preference for marrying a man older than herself and cited Bahati being three years younger as a significant concern.

“The main reason was age. You are younger than me by 3 years. Society believes that a lady should not be in a relationship with someone younger. I knew that if I wanted to settle down, I would choose a man older than me,” Diana explained.

The couple delved into their love journey and discussed the early days of their relationship. Bahati, curious about Diana’s initial reluctance to marry him, questioned her about it, highlighting the fact that they now share children.

Diana went on to reveal that when she first met the 30-year-old singer, he was deeply immersed in a religious lifestyle, which initially did not align with her preferences. She expressed her respect for Bahati’s commitment to his faith but admitted that the strong emphasis on religious activities initially gave her pause.

“You were all about the Bible, Bible, Bible. I respected you,” Diana remarked.

Diana Marua also shared that Bahati did not pursue a romantic relationship with her immediately upon their first meeting. Instead, he began expressing interest after several encounters and as they got to know each other better.

In a previous revelation earlier in the year, Diana mentioned that Bahati was not initially ready for marriage when they first met. However, over time, he transitioned into family life, and the couple explored their journey together.

Reflecting on their past, Diana disclosed that she became pregnant in July, and Bahati’s consistent efforts, symbolized by his visits in a Blue Mercedes from Ruaka to Syokimau, played a role in the eventual union. The couple discussed how Bahati played a significant role in helping Diana leave behind her party lifestyle.

“If it were not for me, you’d be sleeping in cells wondering when you’ll be a mother,” Bahati added during the conversation.