
Sanaipei Tande Speaks On Maina Kageni offering her Ksh. 500K to give him a baby

For an extended period, Natasha Sanaipei Tande, the renowned Kenyan singer known as Sana, has been a target of public criticism due to her rejection of a proposal from Classic Presenter Maina Kageni.

During a previous interview on the Churchill Show, Sanaipei Tande shared the details of Maina Kageni’s advances when she had just joined Kiss 100FM. At that time, without her own show secured yet, Kageni allegedly insisted that if she wanted to sustain her career, she needed to bear him a child.

The ‘Najuta’ hitmaker emphasized that this proposition came when she was merely 21 or 22 years old, just embarking on her professional journey.

In another instance, Sanaipei Tande revealed that Maina Kageni offered her Ksh. 500,000 to have a child with him. Rejecting Kageni’s advances has resulted in considerable challenges for the singer, particularly on social media. She expressed that whenever she shares attractive photos, some netizens assume she is seeking a partner and tag Maina Kageni in her comments, urging her to fulfill his request.

The singer suggested that due to her discreet approach to her personal life on social media, people mistakenly believe she is available. Nevertheless, she asserted that money does not dictate her decisions, even in the face of fans pressuring her to take advantage of the opportunity.

Sanaipei Tande’s Regret for Turning Down Maina Kageni
In a separate commentary on one of his shows, popular media personality Andrew Kibe criticized Sanaipei for what he perceived as a missed opportunity. Despite acknowledging that the singer appears fine, Kibe asserted that she deeply regrets her decision. According to him, Sanaipei could have been enjoying significant wealth and a higher social status.

Kibe pointed out the apparent decline in Sanaipei’s music career while highlighting Maina Kageni’s continued success as one of Kenya’s top radio hosts and among the highest-paid. He suggested that Sanaipei’s current financial situation is a result of what he deemed as unwarranted pride, insinuating that if she had accepted Kageni’s proposal, her circumstances might be different today.