
“Marry her”- Muigai Wa Njoroge claps back at a fan who mentioned his ex-wife, Njeri as his main source of wealth.

In a recent incident that captured public attention, Kenyan musician Muigai Wa Njoroge found himself at the center of controversy when responding to a fan who brought up his ex-wife, Njeri, as a significant contributor to his success. The fan asserted that Njeri played a pivotal role in supporting Muigai’s music career, ultimately leading to his accumulation of wealth. However, Muigai’s retort was swift and sharp, as he dismissed the notion and urged the fan to marry Njeri if wealth was the primary concern.

Muigai’s response sheds light on the complexities surrounding relationships, success, and personal choices. While the fan’s comment hinted at a narrative of ingratitude, Muigai’s retort emphasized the autonomy individuals have in their romantic lives and career paths. The incident sparks a broader conversation about societal expectations placed on individuals, particularly public figures, and the scrutiny they face when it comes to personal decisions, such as marriage.

Beyond the personal dynamics at play, this exchange highlights the challenges public figures like Muigai face in navigating their private lives within the public eye. The incident serves as a reminder of the fine line celebrities walk between maintaining personal autonomy and satisfying the expectations and opinions of their audience. Ultimately, Muigai’s firm response to the fan underscores the importance of respecting individuals’ choices, even when those choices may be subject to public scrutiny.