
“Risper Kerubo: Kenyatta University 1st Class Honors Graduate Selling Bananas in Nairobi Streets, Makes Sh1000 Profit in a Day

Upon graduating with First Class honors in health services management from Kenyatta University in 2015, Risper Kerubo anticipated a multitude of professional opportunities awaiting her. The healthcare sector, with its perceived abundance of prospects, seemed like a natural fit for her promising future.

However, Risper’s optimism quickly waned when she encountered the harsh reality of the job market. Despite her exceptional academic performance, securing employment proved to be an arduous task.

Faced with the daunting prospect of unemployment, Risper made the decision to explore unconventional avenues to sustain herself financially. Drawing inspiration from observing her fellow Kisii community members thriving in Nairobi’s market by selling bananas and avocados sourced from the countryside, she recognized a potential opportunity in this line of business.

“Having witnessed my kinsmen from Kisii making a living by trading bananas and avocados from rural areas to Nairobi, I felt compelled to try my hand at it,” Risper shared in a previous interview with Business Daily.

After conducting thorough research on sourcing the commodities directly from farmers at fair prices, Risper took a leap of faith and established a small fruit vending enterprise in Nairobi’s Imara Daima estate in 2016.

Embarking on her entrepreneurial journey wasn’t devoid of challenges. Risper grappled with internal conflicts and doubts regarding her deviation from the conventional career path she had envisioned after years of academic dedication.

However, as time progressed, she not only embraced her newfound vocation but also developed a genuine passion for it.

Her daily routine commences at 4 am with a visit to Nairobi’s bustling Wakulima Market, where she competes to procure the freshest produce as soon as it arrives on lorries. Faced with the pressure of meeting customer demands and attracting new clientele, Risper meticulously selects the finest bananas and avocados.

Once she acquires her stock, she arranges for transportation to her shop, where the real labor begins. Despite the challenges inherent in the physically demanding nature of the work, particularly as a woman, Risper’s perseverance shines through.

Through her dedication and hard work, Risper has managed to cultivate a successful venture, selling substantial quantities of bananas and avocados on a daily basis and yielding a net profit of Sh1,000 per day.

Despite the financial stability her business has afforded her family and her aspirations for future expansion, Risper continues to contend with societal perceptions and judgments. The notion of a university graduate engaging in what some perceive as menial work has been a persistent challenge. Even her own parents initially regarded her entrepreneurial endeavor as a temporary measure until she secured a “proper” job.

However, Risper remains undeterred by criticism and skepticism, finding solace in the admiration of those who recognize her courage and determination to pursue her passion despite societal expectations.

Reflecting on her journey, Risper acknowledges that while she hasn’t abandoned the possibility of pursuing a career in her field of study or furthering her education with a master’s degree, her love for the fruit vending business is unrivaled.

Her entrepreneurial experience has reshaped her definition of success, demonstrating that fulfillment and accomplishment can be found in unconventional paths.

Although Risper once envisioned a traditional career trajectory following her university education, she now embraces her identity as an entrepreneur. Balancing her business endeavors with motherhood, she has discovered her aptitude for entrepreneurship and the rewards of pursuing her passion against the grain of societal norms.

Risper’s inspirational journey serves as a testament to the fact that success knows no bounds and that unwavering passion and perseverance can lead to fulfillment beyond conventional expectations.