
Kenyas Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi calls for dialogue as doctors’ strike bites hard

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has issued a call to healthcare workers, urging them to initiate discussions with the government to bring an end to their ongoing strike.

The strike by healthcare workers, which commenced on March 14, has now extended into its fifth consecutive week.

Mudavadi highlighted that the impasse has resulted in the shutdown of the public healthcare system, with healthcare workers advocating for improved wages and the hiring of medical interns.

He emphasized that the strike has significantly impacted public healthcare services nationwide, leading to hardship for Kenyan citizens.

“I want to reassure the nation that we are engaging in reasoned and inclusive dialogue, and we anticipate a swift resolution to the health sector crisis,” he stated.

“I implore healthcare professionals across all sectors to collaborate with the government to alleviate the suffering of our people,” added the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

Mudavadi reiterated the government’s commitment to achieving universal health coverage as a fundamental aspect of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

Despite the ongoing industrial dispute, he stressed the importance of maintaining a strong partnership between the government and healthcare professionals.

“Stakeholders in the healthcare sector should align their goals and commitments with the government’s healthcare agenda to ensure that all Kenyans have access to affordable, quality healthcare services,” Mudavadi affirmed.

“You collectively bear the responsibility of supporting the Whole of Government Approach to fulfill our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for health, ensuring the well-being of all individuals at every stage of life.”

Mudavadi made these remarks during the 23rd Kenya Paediatric Association annual scientific conference held in Mombasa County.

He commended the organizers of the conference for providing a platform for key stakeholders in the healthcare sector to exchange insights and discuss how data is influencing the delivery of healthcare services, particularly for children.

Furthermore, the Prime Cabinet Secretary applauded the progress made within the healthcare sector, particularly in enhancing metrics related to children’s health and education, affirming that ensuring children’s access to quality healthcare remains a top government priority.

“Investing in children represents a significant commitment to human capital development. Progress in healthcare, education, skills development, and nutrition not only benefits our children and citizens but also enhances their overall well-being and contribution to economic growth,” he remarked.

Mudavadi emphasized the importance of utilizing research data and fostering regular communication channels to inform the government and healthcare stakeholders about the necessary interventions to improve access to quality healthcare services for the populace.