
Pritty Vishy: I Made Stivo Simple Boy Famous and Then He Dumped Me for Betty Kyallo

In response to online allegations suggesting that she utilized Stivo Simple Boy as a means to gain fame and relevance, emerging socialite and content creator, Pritty Vishy, has decided to set the record straight.

During an interview with Nicholas Kioko, Pritty revealed that she played a pivotal role in shaping Stivo Simple Boy’s current status. She disclosed that Stivo was facing numerous challenges under his previous management, enduring both humiliation and financial struggles despite his existing fame.

Recognizing Stivo’s predicament, Pritty, unafraid, publicly exposed the mistreatment he was enduring. The revelation gained widespread attention, prompting new management to intervene and rescue Simple Boy from his distressing situation.

Pritty emphasized that her decision to speak out was a crucial turning point for Stivo. She argued that had she chosen to remain silent, Stivo might have found himself in impoverished circumstances in Kibera. However, despite her significant role in his transformation, Pritty expressed disappointment that Stivo has never acknowledged or thanked her for her actions. Instead, she claimed that he tarnishes her name in various interviews.

Vishy clarified that she presently holds no concern for Stivo. Since parting ways, she asserted that their paths have diverged, and she has no intention of extending assistance if he encounters difficulties with his new management in the future.