
” I Used to Be Position Last In Class, But Now I’m Driving Rangerover and Living Wealthy” Risper Faith.

One of Kenya’s most renowned and controversial celebrities and socialites, Risper Faith, widely recognized as LadyRisper, recently chose to unveil her school report card, shedding light on her academic struggles during her early years.

The report card, dating back to the early 2000s, revealed that Risper occupied the second-to-last position, surpassing only one fellow student—a performance that could be described as quite dismal.

Lady Risper openly shared details of her academic performance, exposing her subject-wise grades and the critical comments from her teachers. Many of these remarks advised her to buckle down and take her studies seriously, emphasizing the need to abandon any frivolous behavior.

Acknowledging her academic shortcomings, Risper Faith admitted to being academically challenged, pondering whether education was truly her forte. Despite the hurdles, Lady Risper managed to complete both her primary and secondary education, a feat she attributed to the grace of God.

Expressing her aspirations, Risper revealed that her ultimate goal was to marry a wealthy man. Through meticulous self-presentation, she attracted the attention of numerous affluent suitors, ultimately finding her perfect match and love of her life in Brayo.

The relationship with Brayo marked a turning point in Risper’s life. Since his entry into her world, she began to radiate success, now proudly standing as the wife of a wealthy man. Brayo generously gifted her a Range Rover and an opulent mansion in Kitsutsuru, an upscale estate on the outskirts of Nairobi.

From occupying the bottom rung academically, Risper has undergone a remarkable transformation, now enjoying a lavish lifestyle. She cruises in high-end automobiles and relishes the fulfillment of her dreams. In her perspective, formal education may not have played a significant role in her success; rather, her beauty and charismatic presence have proven instrumental in navigating the trajectory of her life.

To delve deeper into Risper’s journey, you can follow the link below to watch the full video on TikTok.