After the mysterious disappearance of the four Kitengela businessmen, Jack Ochieng’s family has resigned to fate.
The family said that they are ready to bury their kin and the only thing preventing them is that they have no idea if he is still alive since his body has never been recovered.
Jack’s elder brother, Cliff Ochieng in an interview with The Star said that his family is still agonizing with no tangible information about their missing family member.
Ochieng’ said that his ailing parents have been affected the most with the mother being admitted to the Aga Khan hospital, Kisumu where she is battling depression.
He added that his father suffered a stroke in 2000 and the situation worsened after learning of his son’s disappearance..
The police have always told me that we will get Jack, either alive or his body. But when?”
He possed
“We want him, dead or a life. Even if Jack is dead, we want his body so that his wife and three children can get closure, now that all the three men have been found dead,” he added.
“We are on our own. Maybe Jack is being detained by someone because his body has not surfaced like the other three. I have checked all morgues but have not found his body. We are ready to bury,” Ochieng’ said.