
BREAKING: Magoha Breaks Silence On School Reopening Tomorrow and His Resignation

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has today spoken on schools resuming after a long break during the electioneering time frame.

As per Magoha schools will continue as prior on specified as the nation awaits to usher in new leadership.

Magoha has additionally uncovered that schools won’t be shut again in places that will be conducting elections.

As per Magoha his term comes to an end in a few days time, he thanked president Uhuru kenyatta for trusting him and giving him a docket at one of the crucial times in the country’s history.

Magoha has said that he has worked hard and has delivered on his work and will be retiring in harmony.

This fascinating advancement comes in the midst of a few fascinating news that the Azimio wing may be going to court after Raila rejected the result of the August ninth polls.