
Truth on Trending Man who Fought a Lion to Death

There is a trending man who allegedly fought a lion to death. The man whose identity is not yet known is said to had fought the lion for over 90 minutes trying to protect his family…. CONTINUE READING

Former Nairobi county governor Mike Sonko even went ahead to post on his Twitter account asking for the details of the said man as he wants to reward him. Sonko asked anybody who has details or his contact to connect him so he can meet him.

A quick fact check reveals that this story apparently is not something that happened recently. Some sources revealed that the stroy has been coming up almost every year and indeed the photos themselves look already faded which confirms they might be quit old.

Similarly, the same story us being reported to had happened in one of the Southern African countries either Zimbabwe or South Africa which now makes it hard to determine the legitimate origin of the man.

It is therefore advisable not to fall for the rumors and propaganda being peddled on social media that the incident happened in Juja and that the man is named Mwaura. While all these might be true, it is yet not confirmed where the incident occurred