
Stivo Simple Boy: Niko na More than 40 Girlfriends,’Wanawake Wanapenda mali Safi Ka Mimi’

Kenyan singer and controversial personality, Stevo Simple Boy, has recently shed light on his popularity among Kenyan women, offering insight into the true extent of his romantic entanglements. Despite his reputation for frequently changing romantic partners, Stevo has chosen to disclose details about his amorous adventures.

Over the span of the last two years, Stevo Simple Boy has been linked with more than four different women. His interactions with the opposite sex have not gone unnoticed, generating significant online attention and sparking rumors and discussions about his love life. Some of these relationships have been brought into the public eye, with Stevo going as far as introducing certain women as his partners.

A noteworthy incident occurred during the funeral of his father when Stevo surprised many by introducing a woman named Grace as his wife and announcing her pregnancy. However, this relationship was short-lived as Stevo’s attention quickly shifted to Ngesh Kaveve Kazoze, and he subsequently declared Wanjih Kihii as his new girlfriend.

In a recent interview, Stevo Simple Boy decided to openly share his perspective on his romantic escapades. Contrary to common assumptions, he clarified that he does not actively pursue women; instead, it is the women who express their affection for him and make advances. With a playful tone, Stevo mentioned that he is currently involved with approximately 40 women. While he presented this number in a lighthearted manner, there might be a level of seriousness to it, considering his tendency to swiftly change partners. This approach appears to fulfill both his desire for attention and his romantic interests.