
“Mlidhani Najenga Kibanda?”, Proud Khaligraph Jones Laughs Off Marvels At His New House

Kenyan rapper Khaligraph Jones has responded to critics and those who were taken aback by the sight of his mansion with a hearty laugh. In a recent interview, the iconic artist expressed his amusement at how some people had underestimated the grandeur of his home, confidently proclaiming that his residence stands as the finest in all of Africa.

“My house is unequivocally the best in Africa. Did you think I was constructing a humble abode? No artist has ever accomplished something of this magnitude. If there’s one that has, I challenge them to show me,” Khaligraph quipped during his conversation with Kiddo.

Furthermore, Khaligraph Jones embraced the numerous comparisons that have been made regarding his house, interpreting them as a testament to the remarkable aesthetics of his new dwelling.

“If your home is being likened to a shopping mall, that speaks volumes,” he noted.

He also hinted that Kenyans are in for a remarkable surprise, as his house is currently only 60% complete.

“The house is 60% done. You haven’t seen anything yet. The masterpiece is right there, and it’s unparalleled,” OG confidently concluded.

A mere week ago, Khaligraph Jones proudly unveiled his new mansion, leaving many in awe. Some likened its appearance to that of Zetech University, while others offered their positive sentiments and congratulations to the OG for this significant achievement.

In the days that followed, he also revealed his studio, which is currently under construction, inspiring his fans to strive harder in their own endeavors.

“Let’s continue listening to his music,” one fan enthusiastically commented.

“Now, this is what you call ‘Let your pocket match your ambition,'” another playfully teased.