
man impregnates 16 year old daughter

A 16-year-old is admitted to hospital after she was allegedly scalded with hot water by her father who is also accused of defiling her. She suffered severe burns on her private parts and lower limbs, according to doctors at Kapsowar Mission Hospital.

The victim, Kipkaner in Marakwet East, is eight months pregnant reportedly for his father. Doctors say they suspect her assailant was on a mission to terminate the pregnancy. Chelimo Korir, a gynecologist and obstetrician at the hospital, said while the minor and her unborn are out of danger, the girl needs specialised care.

“The hot water severely burned her private parts. It was by sheer luck the fetus is still intact after the Sunday attack. Our conclusion is the attacker had hoped to abort the child,” said Dr Korir, who is also the facility’s medical officer.

No family member was around when The Standard visited the hospital. Marakwet East OCPD Vincent Kitili said the suspect, in his 70s, and who appears mentally disturbed, has been arrested. He said officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the Children’s Department are handling the matter and that legal action will be taken against him after investigations.

Last week, an Iten court sentenced a man to life imprisonment for defiling a minor.The matter caught the attention of Elgeyo Marakwet MCAs women caucus who, led by their chair Truphena Yego, condemned the attack.