
Catherine Wambui: Kenyan lady Who Rose from Selling Chips Mwitu to a Multimillion Goods Shipper in the US

After dedicating nearly a decade to the field of education, Catherine Wambui opted for a bold change, transitioning from teaching to entrepreneurship. This marked the beginning of a transformative journey filled with self-discovery and reinvention.

In an exclusive interview with TUKO TV’s Inspire Kenya, Catherine recounted her journey of resilience, narrating how she navigated through adversities and transformed setbacks into opportunities.

Despite her deep-seated love for teaching, Catherine found herself grappling with financial challenges, especially after finding herself as a single parent shortly after graduating. Starting with a modest teaching position in Kerugora earning KSh 12,000, Catherine struggled to make ends meet amidst various expenses.

Her situation improved when she moved to a public school, where not only did her passion for teaching flourish, but her income also increased due to additional remedial classes. However, her stability was shaken when the Teachers Service Commission mandated that all teachers must possess a TSC number to teach.

Faced with this dilemma, Catherine made the bold decision to start anew. She sold all her possessions except essential items and her son’s bike and delved into odd jobs, including selling street food like chips and chapati. Despite encountering setbacks, she persevered, transitioning into hairdressing in hopes of providing a better future for herself and her son.

As a single mother, Catherine faced numerous hurdles in her quest for financial stability. Nevertheless, she remained resilient, continuously seeking opportunities for growth despite facing rejection and disappointment in her job search.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 further exacerbated Catherine’s financial struggles, compelling her to sell her old teaching attire and borrow from mobile apps to survive. Despite being burdened by debt, she remained determined, using her resourcefulness and entrepreneurial spirit to gradually establish her own salon.

However, a disagreement with an investor resulted in Catherine losing everything and falling into deeper debt. Despite this setback, Catherine refused to surrender. Leveraging her skills and experiences, she turned to YouTube, where she began sharing her expertise and offering services to clients locally and internationally.

Today, Catherine’s business, Kate Vlogs, stands as a testament to her unwavering determination and perseverance. Through her resilience and relentless pursuit of success, she has transformed challenges into triumphs, carving out a path of inspiration for others to follow.