
Identity of Woman Who Lured The Four Kijabe Victims to Their Deaths Revealed

A couple of days ago, Kenyans were stunned to learn of the grisly murder of four men who are said to have been engaged in shady deals online but possed as Academic Writers.

The families of the said four casualties have insisted that they were not crooks and we’re doing genuine work online according to the reports that we have.

The four, in any case, carried on with a lavish lifestyle whose source of revenue police have questioned and, surprisingly, their neighbors questioned.

Recently, details arose that a mystery lady had lured the four victims to their demises however she was yet to be recognized.

As indicated by Daily Nation Newspaper the identity of the lady has been revealed as Maureen who was the spouse to one of the victims known as Elijah Omeka.

Maureen is yet to be summoned by the authorities to explain where and how the three men disappeared to after she called them.

She is said to have called them to go to Kasarani Police Station to record statements on the disappearance of one of the four friends who had been missing.

Their phones are said to have been switched off near Kasarani Police Station and they were never seen alive again by their kin.