
” I Can’t Pay Dowry of Ksh.1 Billion For Ssaru, She is Worth 10 Rolls Of Bhang Only”

Renowned Gengetone artist and rapper Sylvia Ssaru recently captured the spotlight by boldly asserting that her dowry should amount to a staggering Ksh.1 Billion. Unapologetically declaring her self-worth, she asserted that her affections were reserved for affluent individuals. However, celebrity critic Sabato Sabato expressed skepticism about Ssaru’s claim, insinuating that she might have been under the influence of substances.

In a viral TikTok video, Sabato Sabato conveyed his initial perception of Ssaru as seemingly ordinary until he became aware of her alleged marijuana use, which he believes has significantly impaired her cognitive abilities. Sabato contended that any man willing to part with such an exorbitant sum for someone like Ssaru must be imprudent. Contrary to Ssaru’s valuation of herself, Sabato insisted that her actual worth falls far short of the astronomical figure she touted. He went further to assert that she is a spoiled individual and suggested that her dowry should be measured in terms of marijuana rolls.

According to Sabato, Ssaru’s true value is equivalent to a mere 10 rolls of marijuana. He justified this estimation by highlighting Ssaru’s purported habits of smoking weed and consuming “Makali,” a low-cost liquor, which he claimed is a shared preference among several Gengetone artists. Sabato maintained that a woman with such characteristics is undeserving of a substantial dowry. He contended that Ssaru’s penchant for substances like weed has clouded her judgment, rendering her statements unreliable.

In conclusion, Sabato urged the public to interpret Ssaru’s statements with caution, emphasizing that her admission of being under the influence should not be taken lightly. He alleged that Ssaru is a habitual weed smoker, implying that her perspectives are influenced by the substance, and thus, people should approach her pronouncements with a degree of skepticism.