
“Hii Ni Mjulus Ama Rosecoco” Kinuthia’s Video Leaves Fans In Total Confusion

After a TikTok video featuring the popular content creator dancing went viral, the attention quickly shifted towards Kinuthia’s private area. Netizens couldn’t help but speculate and raise questions about his gender. The video received over 1200 comments, with many expressing confusion and curiosity about whether Kinuthia is a man or a woman.

Among the reactions, one netizen confidently stated that Kinuthia is a man, albeit with a small manhood. Some comments jokingly referred to the video as a “gender reveal” and playfully emphasized that Kinuthia is indeed a boy, although with a small endowment. Others expressed bewilderment and confessed that they were unable to discern Kinuthia’s gender, while some questioned whether the individual in the video was Kinuthia or someone else entirely.

However, a few days prior to this incident, Kinuthia surprised Kenyans by announcing that he was expecting a child. In addition to this revelation, the content creator had been consistently wearing women’s clothing, even at official state functions. Yet, in May 2022, Kinuthia finally confirmed his gender, stating that he is indeed a man.

“Yes, it’s true. I am a male,” Kinuthia admitted. “But, as I’ve mentioned before, I won’t let people’s opinions and trolling dictate what I do. It’s because of my unique approach that I’ve achieved the level of success I have.” Kinuthia further elaborated on why he chooses to dress in a feminine manner.

“This character I’ve created has propelled me forward. I can’t suddenly change and adopt a different persona. People would grow bored, as they are accustomed to this version of Kinuthia and have embraced it,” he explained during an interview with Mungai Eve.

In conclusion, despite the speculation surrounding Kinuthia’s gender, the content creator himself has confirmed that he is a man. He remains steadfast in his decision to continue expressing himself through his unique style, understanding that it has played a significant role in his success thus far.