John Kinyua, a milk transporter from Embu, faced a significant financial setback after an unfortunate accident on his delivery route caused him to spill 182 litres of milk. The accident occurred on a muddy road, leading to the loss of the milk that was destined for the market.
Photos that circulated online showed Kinyua sitting by the roadside, visibly distressed by the incident. In an interview with, he attributed the mishap to the poor condition of the roads. “The road is not good because it has been raining, so the bike skidded on the road and toppled over,” he explained.
Kinyua was transporting milk valued at KSh 55 per litre, resulting in a total loss of KSh 10,010 for the 182 litres spilt. He expressed concern that this amount would be deducted from his earnings at the end of the month, significantly impacting his finances. “I hope a good Samaritan will come forward and help me balance the loss because being deducted all that money will affect my budget by a big margin,” Kinyua pleaded, hoping for some relief from his unexpected loss.