
Dr. MUKHISA KITUYI is only known for showing off his big manhood, he cannot match my development record – OSCAR SUDI says.

Kapseret Member of Parliament, Oscar Sudi, has gone gaga on former Kimilili Member of Parliament, Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, for saying he is a big fool who doesn’t have the foggiest idea about the reason for the ongoing economic crisis in the country.

On Wednesday, Kituyi who talked during an Azimio rally in Bungoma County suggested that Sudi doesn’t comprehend the worldwide dynamics that have led to the hike in prices of fuel and other commodities in the country.

Kituyi said Sudi thought that the cost increment wassanctioned by President Uhuru Kenyatta;

The former United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Secretary-General expressed that elements like the war between Ukraine and Russia added to the ongoing circumstance as regards the prices of the commodity.

“When Musalia Mudavadi joined William Ruto, I thought he would educate people like Oscar Sudi on the reasons that may have led to the increased price of fuel. Sudi has been saying that it is President Uhuru Kenyatta who has been occasioning the prices in fuel prices, while we all know it is the war between Russia and Ukraine. Where did he go to school?” posed Kituyi.

In his reaction, Sudi said he could not measure up to Kituyi, adding that his development record in Kapseret since he became an MP in 2013 justifies itself.

He further challenged Kituyi to show his record after filling in as the Kimilili MP for a long time as the Minister of Trade and Industry in late Mwai Kibaki’s administration and at last as UNCTAD Secretary-General.

“He cannot compare himself with Oscar Sudi, leave alone Musalia Mudavadi. He was MP for 10 years. What is the legacy he left to the common man? He later became a minister, and he then became UNCTAD secretary-general, what is his legacy, he is only known for showing off his private parts,” Sudi stated.