
Andrew Kibe, I Prefer Dating Diana Marua Over Kamene Goro,Diana Anakaa tu utamu

Renowned Kenyan celebrity critic Andrew Kibe, currently residing in the USA, recently opened up about his preference for dating Diana Marua over Kamene Goro. Kamene Goro was his former co-host at Kiss 100, a popular radio station. Kibe shared his thoughts during a Q&A session on his YouTube channel, where a curious fan posed the question of choosing between Diana Marua and Kamene Goro for a potential relationship.

The inquiry put Kibe in a thoughtful position, as he acknowledged the complexity of the question. Given his history of making candid and sometimes derogatory remarks about both Kamene Goro and Diana Marua, he took some time to carefully consider his response.

Eventually, Andrew Kibe formulated his answer. He expressed that his ideal choice would be a woman possessing Kamene Goro’s posterior and Diana Marua’s body proportions from when she was younger. However, when faced with the hypothetical scenario of being forced to choose between the two, Kibe firmly settled on Diana Marua as his preference.

Interestingly, Kibe refrained from disclosing the specific reasons behind not selecting Kamene Goro. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that Kibe has previously been documented criticizing women of a larger body size in his videos. He has been vocal about his preference for petite women with a moderate body size, which aligns with his choice of Diana Marua over Kamene Goro.