Beautiful chips seller, Bevalyne Kwamboka, who has been trending on Twitter, has been cautioned by the Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) for setting up her business in a space said to be a walk path.
KURA, through a tweet, marked Bevalyne’s business as illegal and an encroachment of pedestrians rights.
A concerned Kenyan tagged KURA photographs of Bevalyne selling chips on a pedestrian path and asked whether her exercises are legal.
“KURA are these activities legal?” he asked on Twitter. To which KURA responded: “This is illegal and an infringement to pedestrian rights…The footbridges and walkways are meant for Pedestrian passage and not any form of business.”
KURA’s reaction started responses online with a section of Kenyans requesting that the authority to focus on major problems and quit harassing Kenyan who is trying to put food on the table.
Here are a portion of the responses.
Muli: Maybe illegal but very legitimate. We can always coexist with Kenyans who are trying to eke a living even if they have to set up shop by the roadside.
Jacob Abere: Whichever Answers Thy Give on @bevalynekwambo3 and business location, let KURA @KURAroads clear those underpasses of Muthurwa, Outer-Allsops and along Pangani, before you pick this.