
Top 5 Richest Luos In Kenya 2022

Luo community as among the most popular communities in Kenya. It is the post populous tribe after Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luyha. The descendants of Ramogi are known for their intellect. The community has produced many academic giants among them Kenya’s top lawyers, engineers and economists.

Luo people are also celebrated for their artistry, class and contribution in fighting for democratic rights we enjoy today.

In this article, MURANGANEWS will take a look at some of the Richest Luos in Kenya.

5 richest Luos in Kenya

Raila Odinga

Jaramogi Oginga’s son and veteran politician Raila Odinga is one of the wealthiest Luos in Kenya. Raila Odinga began his political journey in 1980s.

The leader of ODM party is celebrated as one of those who fought fearlessly for the democratic rights we enjoy today.He has unsuccessfully contested for Kenya’s Presidency 5 times.

Besides politics, Raila is an astute business man. Here are some companies he owns;

  • Pan African Petroleum Company
  • Spectre International Limited
  • East African Spectre

He is also a proud owner of several properties;

  • Ksh. 1 billion home in Riat, Kisumu
  • multi-millions family home in karen, Nairobi.
  • 2 choppers
  • Multi-millions Runda home, Nairobi
  • Fleet of high-end cars

Sammy Wakiaga

Businessman-cum-politician Sammy Wakiaga is another Tycoon who hails from the lake side.He traces his origin in suba sub-tribe of Luo.

The son of Senior Chief Semekia Wakiaga has served in several senior government organizations. He was recently posted by Foreign Ministry as Kenya’s minister counsellor to Geneva, Switzerland.

Wakiaga has invested heavily in real estate. He owns several properties Kisumu, Nairobi, Mombasa and Homa Bay. The former Prime Raila Oding’s close friend also runs several ferries that link Siaya and Homabay Counties.

Wakiaga was ODM’s top choice for Nairobi gubernatorial race in 2017 general elections before Evans Kidero clinched the ticket.

Edwin Ochieng Yinda

Edwin Ochieng Yinda is a businessman and a politician. He unsuccessfully contested for Alego/Usonga parliamentary seat which he lost to George Mulwan.

Edwin has grown his wealth from repairing ships and tea brokerage.

He is currently serving as chairman and executive director at Supply Linkages Limited and also the director of Cent Savvy Investments Ltd.

Evans Gor Semelang’o

Business man Evans Gor Semelang’o is a former chairman of Youth Enterprise Fund. The flamboyant business man is a proud owner of a fleet of high-end cars.

He has invested heavily in real estate, transport, media, Oil &transport and tourism. He owns Petrokenya Oil Company Limited and Talanta Media among many other companies.

Gor became an internet sensation after he offered to give out his salary to the youths.

James Rege

James Rege is a former member of Parliament for Karachuonyo Constituency. He is one of the richest people from the lake side.

Rege shot to fame after it emerged that he was among the billionaires who funded former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s presidential bid in 2017.

The veteran IT guru co-owns a company that funds businesses.