
Sad News in Nyanza Region As One person Dies, Thousands of households displaced by floods

Floods have wreaked havoc in Nyanza, resulting in the loss of one life and the displacement of over 1,000 households, according to Regional Commissioner Flora Mworoa. Kisumu, Homa Bay, Migori, and Siaya are the hardest-hit counties, while Nyamira and Kisii have been spared from the deluge thus far.

Mworoa informed the press in Kisumu that a total of 6,302 individuals have been affected by the floods. These individuals, though not displaced, are grappling with the consequences of the surging waters in various ways.

The most heavily impacted subcounties include Nyando, Kadibo, and Nyatike. Families in distress have sought refuge in schools, though this arrangement poses challenges as they share space with students.

Regrettably, one fatality has been recorded in Kisumu due to the raging floods. With forecasts predicting more rainfall in the region, Mworoa urged residents residing near riverbanks to relocate to higher and safer areas. The breach of River Nyando’s banks on Monday underscored the urgency of this appeal.

Efforts are underway to provide relief to the affected population, with the government coordinating with the Kenya Red Cross and other organizations. Plans are in motion to distribute both food and non-food items to those displaced.

Mworoa highlighted collaborative initiatives with entities such as the Western Hub, comprised of various NGOs, Nema, and the county government, to address the crisis comprehensively.

Meanwhile, flood victims in Kisumu are advocating for long-term solutions such as the construction of dams. Luke Khaemba, a resident of Ahero, emphasized the need for permanent measures following the inundation of their homes. The dire situation has left families struggling without basic necessities, prompting calls for urgent assistance from authorities.