What people eat can have a significant impact on their reproductive health. While there is no magic diet that will result in pregnancy for both women and men, here are some healthy choices that could be beneficial to those wishing to optimise their diet for fertility…CONTINUE READING
1. Eggs increase fertilityEggs are commonly mentioned as one of the best meals for enhancing fertility since they are a great source of protein, have enough of B12 and E, and are typically supplemented with healthy monounsaturated fats such as Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) an omega-3 fatty acid.Egg yolks supply almost all of the egg’s iron, calcium, zinc, Vitamin B6, folate, and Vitamin B12. They also contain 100 per cent of the egg’s Vitamin A.
Egg yolks from pasture-raised chickens are also extremely rich in fertility-boosting omega-3 fatty acids including Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA and fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E, and Vitamin K2.
Another good reason to eat eggs: They are an inexpensive source of lean protein, which has also been found to be good for fertility in both men and women. Eggs also contain choline, which may reduce the risk of some birth defects.
2. Avocados are good for you and baby
Do you find it surprising that this popular superfood made its way to the list? Avocados are packed with nutrients such as folate and Vitamin K that will keep you and your unborn child healthy.
3. Salmon are a fertility all-star
Salmon is often regarded as a fertility all-star because of its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the health and balance of your reproductive system. Salmon is also high in protein and almost completely free of the harmful amounts of mercury in much other fish.
When trying to conceive, salmon is an excellent substitute for red meat because it is high in saturated fats. It is also a great source of selenium and Vitamin D. Selenium is a vitamin essential for healthy sperm, and low Vitamin D levels appear to be associated with poor fertility in men and women.
4. Citrus fruits enhance ovulation
Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, which helps regulate ovulation and facilitate the release of an egg, and folate, a naturally occurring type of folic acid that is believed to aid in pregnancy and the healthy development of children. Citrus acid is abundant in fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.
Grapefruits and oranges contain the polyamine putrescine, which some animal research has associated with the potential to improve egg and semen health. Vitamin C further helps in maintaining and regulating hormones in your body. It also helps in regulating menstrual cycles and improving ovulation.
5. Broccoli for better reproductive health
Broccoli has high calcium content, which is crucial if you’re trying to conceive since the mineral helps control the reproductive tract’s alkalinity and promote sperm growth. Additionally, broccoli is loaded with nutrients that will support the best potential state of your reproductive health.
Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, which promotes fertility by aiding in the process of ovulation and brings about maturation of eggs. In addition, broccoli is rich in iron, folic acid and antioxidants, which provide your body with essential plant proteins.
6. Dairy products are packed with beneficial nutrients
The calcium in whole-fat dairy products absorbs better than in skim and other lower-fat milk. Whole milk also provides a considerable amount of protein and Vitamin B12. Pastured dairy is a great choice. Dairy is rich in saturated fat, which is, especially beneficial for fertility.
It’s also a good source of the fat-soluble Vitamins, including Vitamins A, E, D, K, and K2. A Harvard study found that women who ate full-fat dairy products were less likely to experience ovulation problems compared to women who ate primarily low-fat dairy products.
In this study, low-fat dairy products included skim or low-fat milk, sherbet, yoghurt, and cottage cheese. Full-fat products included whole milk, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheeses
7. Whole grains for hormonal balance
Whole grains provide access to a plentiful supply of complex carbohydrates, a crucial component of any fertility diet. They are frequently fortified with folic acid and are high in dietary fibre and iron. Beans and lentils are an excellent source of fibre and folate, both of which are crucial to maintaining a healthy hormonal balance.
Lentils also contain high levels of the polyamine spermidine, which may help sperm fertilise the egg. Lentils and beans are also high in protein, which can help promote healthier ovulation.
8. Kale and spinach a healthy daily dose
Due to their high folate levels, iron— for producing healthy red blood cells—, calcium, and manganese; spinach, and kale are among the best meals for fertility.
Additionally, only one cup of either has more than half of your daily need for Vitamin A. The word folate comes from foliage, meaning leaves. Folate is the natural form of Vitamin B9, whereas folic acid is the synthetic form..
9. Almonds improve sperm quality
Almonds are a fantastic snack to boost your fertility because they are full of the beneficial monounsaturated fats that support the reproductive system, as well as Vitamin E and other Vitamins and minerals.
Almonds are regarded as the most fertility nutrient packed of all nuts; they are high in important reproductive system nutrients including zinc and L-arginine. They are also the best whole food source of Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant).
Vitamin E is thought to improve sperm quality and motility in men (a study showed that eating seven almonds a day improved sperm quality). It is also an important regulator of sex hormones in both men and women.
In women, Vitamin E may help regulate the production of cervical mucus, which is important for conception, due to its ability to support live sperm for several days.
Almonds also help improve insulin resistance, which is important for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition where the body becomes less effective at lowering blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance can reduce fertility in women, especially when combined with abdominal weight gain.
10. Tomatoes boost male fertility
It has been demonstrated that the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which is abundant in tomatoes, increases fertility. Even as a potential cure for male infertility, lycopene supplementation has been studied.
According to one study, supplementing with four to eight milligrammes of lycopene a day for eight to 12 months boosted the quality of the sperm and raised the likelihood of getting pregnant. However, starting by including certain foods in your diet is typically a good idea rather than turning to supplements…