
How Ex Inooro Hellen Muthoni Is Inspiring Ladies When It Comes To Fashion the Lady has Taste

Hellen Muthoni’s extraordinary taste with regards to fashion gets showcased from time to time during the Inooro Tv’s ‘Rurumuka’ gospel show. In a social media post, Hellen Muthoni requested that those that have ever copied any of her designs to consider sharing photographs alongside what they copied as she intends to gift one with another one.

A couple of hours down the line, Hellen Muthoni expressed gratitude toward the excellent pictures they got to share.She went on to state that she is truly touched and humbled. She also stated that she will be picking the winner with the help of her able designer by the name of Victoria. The winner is set to be announced soon.

From the photographs shared, it is clear that Hellen Muthoni is a complete inspirational to numerous women with regards to dressing.

The replicated designs are however not the same considering there is customisation according to the client’s needs.