
Ghetto Radio Reveals Njambi Koikai’s Latest Phone Call Conversation Before Monday Late Night Death

In a poignant disclosure, Ghetto Radio has shared the final phone conversation with Njambi Koikai before her untimely demise on Monday night.

Admitted to Nairobi Hospital, Njambi, fondly referred to as Faya Mummah, was a cherished reggae ambassador whose battle resonated deeply with many.

During the call, Njambi sounded frail yet resolute.

She made a sincere appeal for blood donations, specifically seeking blood group O+, although she emphasized that any blood type would be greatly appreciated.

“I just needed blood donation but I will be fine,” she reassured her listeners despite her palpable vulnerability. She urged Kenyans to visit Nairobi Hospital to donate blood and aid in saving her life.

This appeal came mere days before her passing on June 6, leaving an enduring mark on her fans and the wider community.

The social media response was immediate and profound, with numerous individuals expressing their grief and admiration for Njambi’s bravery and fortitude.

Tributes poured in from fans and fellow artists, underscoring her unyielding spirit.

Kinaiya Mary penned, “Ooow God, you fought a good fight. We thank God for the days and your strength. Rest easy, mama.”

Another mourner, Ryan, acknowledged her ordeal, stating, “She suffered a lot, indeed,” reflecting on the anguish she endured during her illness.

Samueli Mwana Wa Mungu lauded her steadfast determination, “Rest In eternal peace Koikai. You fought until the very end. Shine on your journey, legend.” Celestine Ogonda also expressed profound sorrow, “Whaaaat, may she rest; she fought a good fight. Sleep well, champion.”