
George Kuria: A Single Father Struggling to Raise His Triplets Alone

The viral tale of George Kuria, a lone father grappling with the upbringing of his triplets, strikes a poignant chord. It’s a narrative marred by poverty, highlighting the dire circumstances under which these children are being raised.

In an interview with Afrimax English, George Kuria revealed the heart-wrenching circumstances that led to him shouldering the responsibility of raising his triplets solo. Their mother encountered health complications post-birth, leaving Kuria to navigate the daunting task of caring for the toddlers, who are a mere four months old, without her presence.

Faced with financial constraints, George, as a single father, confronts the challenge of providing sustenance for his triplets. Resorting to feeding them porridge at such a tender age due to the unavailability of milk, he relies on the meager resources from his own potato farm to meet their nutritional needs.

The living conditions of the children are starkly concerning. Housed in a dilapidated mud-thatched dwelling riddled with openings, the infants are exposed to the elements, particularly hazardous during the rainy season, heightening the risk of respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia.

Assuming the dual roles of both mother and father, George Kuria shoulders an immense burden. With his wife still in critical condition, Kuria finds himself immersed in household chores, from washing dishes to tending to laundry, while also juggling agricultural duties to sustain his family. It’s a relentless struggle, compounded by the uncertainty of their next meal, as the dwindling potato supply from his farm exacerbates their plight.

Unemployed and grappling with the harsh reality that their current dwelling is not their own, George Kuria implores the goodwill of fellow Kenyans for support in this trying time. His plea echoes a desperate cry for assistance, a beacon of hope amidst the overwhelming challenges he faces in providing for his triplets.