
Diamond Platnumz disowns his son Again during his trip to Rwanda

Diamond Platnumz’s relationship with his children has been a subject of recent scrutiny. While he openly displays his bond with Tiffah and Nillan, his children with Ugandan socialite Zari, and showcases his fatherly connection with Naseeb Junior, his son with Kenyan star Tanasha Donna, there’s a noticeable absence when it comes to his son, Dylan, with Tanzanian Hamissa Mobetto.

In stark contrast to the spotlight enjoyed by Tiffah, Nillan, and Naseeb Junior, Dylan is rarely featured in Diamond Platnumz’s social media posts. He hardly acknowledges Dylan, seldom sharing moments together. This discrepancy has given rise to speculation regarding the nature of their relationship.

Recently, Diamond Platnumz embarked on a private trip to Rwanda for the Trace Awards and, as is his custom, he documented the journey on social media. Notably, Dylan was conspicuously absent from the footage, further fueling suspicions about the singer’s connection with his son.

It seems that Diamond Platnumz’s reluctance to give Dylan attention stems from longstanding doubts about the child’s paternity. Numerous sources have suggested that the artist doesn’t believe Dylan is his biological child. Rumors regarding this issue have circulated for some time, with fans accusing Hamissa of deceiving Diamond Platnumz about Dylan’s parentage.

The pressure surrounding this matter became so intense that Diamond Platnumz eventually requested a DNA test. According to Hamissa Mobetto’s account on Wasafi Media, Diamond initially expressed discomfort about the situation but later agreed to the test. However, he failed to follow through on the agreed-upon date. After some delay, they finally conducted the DNA test, which confirmed that Dylan was indeed Diamond Platnumz’s child.

Despite the conclusive test results, Diamond Platnumz has continued to cast doubts on the matter. In a December 30, 2022 interview with Wasafi TV, when asked if he believed he was Dylan’s father, he responded cryptically:

“I don’t want to judge the child because he’s an angel. Sometimes, things like these can deprive a child of their basic rights. I’ve heard these rumors for a long time, but the mother always knows who the father is.”

The controversy took another turn when a well-known Tanzanian radio presenter claimed that Dylan was actually the son of Tanzanian rapper Bill Nass. A viral photo collage comparing Bill and Dylan led to speculation, with netizens urging Bill Nass to acknowledge fatherhood. In response, Hamissa vehemently defended her son, expressing her disdain for people discussing her child and questioning how adults could comment on a five-year-old’s paternity.

Bill Nass distanced himself from the claims, stating that he never had a romantic relationship with Hamissa and their connection was purely platonic. He emphasized that he is not the father of the child, as he met Hamissa when she already had her two kids.

Diamond Platnumz has noticeably distanced himself from Dylan, not publicly acknowledging him on his birthdays, while he openly celebrates his other children. As of now, Diamond Platnumz has neither publicly accepted nor rejected Dylan as his child, leaving his fans eagerly awaiting clarity on the paternity issue.