
Carrol Sonnie Explains Why She Refuses To Take Child Upkeep Money From Mulamwah 

“Nikumtumia pesa anarudisha,” lamented Mulamwah, as he expressed his frustration over Carrol Sonnie’s refusal to accept his financial support.

David Oyando, also known as Mulamwah, and his baby mama, Caroline Muthoni, who goes by the name Carrol Sonnie, have been entangled in a child support dispute since the birth of their daughter in September 2021.

During a recent Questions and Answer (Q&A) session on Instagram, Mulamwah opened up about the challenges he faced in being a part of his daughter’s life. He revealed that his efforts to support his daughter, Keilah Oyando, were consistently met with rejection by her mother.

“I’m trying to help, but it’s not easy. You send money, and it’s sent back. I even sent a birthday gift, and it was returned. So, it’s very challenging,” Mulamwah responded to a fan’s query about his involvement in his daughter’s upbringing.

The 30-year-old comedian expressed his confusion about the ongoing issues between him and his baby mama, wondering why his attempts at support were rebuffed.

In response, Carrol Sonnie took to her InstaStories to clarify her reasons for declining Mulamwah’s assistance. She asserted that Mulamwah’s disrespectful behavior towards her was the primary reason she could not accept any help from him.

“Good morning. Quick reminder. No matter how broke you are, NEVER accept offers that come with DISRESPECT,” Carrol Sonnie wrote.

Recently, Carrol Sonnie was visibly emotional when asked about whether Mulamwah was contributing to the upbringing and care of their daughter. Although she did not provide a direct response, she hinted that since Mulamwah had publicly disavowed their child on social media, he might not be offering any support for their son.

Carrol Sonnie requested YouTuber Nicholas Kioko to inquire directly with Mulamwah about his involvement in their daughter’s upbringing, as he would be in the best position to confirm whether or not he was providing any care.

“To be honest, I don’t want to dwell on these stories too much; you know we can move on from there. What’s important right now is that Keilah is doing well, she’s growing. But I also feel that the person you mentioned [Mulamwah] should be asked the right question, a question like… we all know that he rejected his daughter. I don’t know why you don’t ask him that question, whether it is true that you rejected your daughter,” Carrol Sonnie responded in a tense manner.