
Zuchu over the moon as she sets a new record in the music industry with ‘Kwikwi’ video

Tanzanian songstress Zuchu has once again etched her name in the annals of history, as the dance video accompanying her chart-topping track “Kwikwi” surpasses a remarkable 50 million views on YouTube. This milestone not only cements Zuchu’s status as a trailblazer but also marks a significant achievement as the first song from East Africa to reach such heights. Breaking barriers, Zuchu stands out as the first female artist to ascend to this pinnacle, underlining her indelible mark on the music scene.

Since joining the ranks of WCB Wasafi Records in 2020, Zuchu has been on a trajectory of setting and surpassing her own records, continually pushing boundaries. Her groundbreaking success with “Kwikwi” is emblematic of her relentless pursuit of excellence within the industry. With each milestone, Zuchu reaffirms her position as a force to be reckoned with.

In March 2024, Zuchu further solidified her place in history when her sensational track “Sukari” amassed over an astounding 100 million views on YouTube. Once again, she stands alone as the first artist from East Africa to achieve such a feat, a testament to her unmatched talent and widespread appeal.

Reflecting on this historic achievement, Zuchu expressed gratitude and humility, acknowledging the collaborative effort behind her success. She recognizes the transformative power of music, with “Sukari” not only elevating her own life but also leaving an indelible mark on the East African music landscape. As the first solo artist from the region to reach this milestone, Zuchu’s journey is a testament to the resilience and creativity inherent in the East African music scene.

With her sights set on even greater heights, Zuchu extends appreciation to her team, acknowledging their instrumental role in shaping her groundbreaking music. Collaborators like @iam_trone and @lizer are recognized for their contributions to her success, with Zuchu expressing confidence in the future and the boundless potential of their collaborations.

In celebrating these milestones, Zuchu not only makes history but also paves the way for future generations of artists, inspiring them to dream big and reach for the stars. As she continues to break barriers and redefine the limits of success, Zuchu remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for the East African music industry and beyond.